You Are This Nakedness – Jean Klein

I have been searching for a long time for truth or God. When I began I was crippled by anxiety and fear. Now I feel I have an innate understanding of what truth is not, but I do not feel I have glimpsed what truth is.

You are looking for an experience, for God, for beauty. This means you see what you are looking for as an object. I would say: Simply inquire who is looking. When you really inquire, you will see that the looker is what you are really looking for. That is the shortest way if one can still speak of a way.

Be clear in your mind that what you are looking for can never be an object. Because you are what you are looking for, so you can never see it, never comprehend it. You can only be it. Being it means you have no representation, no idea of it. You are free from all concepts. When the mind sees this it comes to a stop. Then you find yourself in a kind of nakedness. You are this nakedness free from all qualification. So, be it really. Be completely attuned to it.

-Jean Klein

From Living Truth, page 213

You can read more from Jean Klein here.


2 thoughts on “You Are This Nakedness – Jean Klein”

  1. This is such a beautiful and succinct exposition of the truth. I understand it completely, yet why is it so difficult to attain? I should love if someone would explain that to me.

    1. Is it not so that you can only attain something which you are not. And we can only Be that which we are, perhaps a change of focus is the first step backwards.

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