In Two Steps the Whole Journey is Complete – Osho

So these are the three words: thinking, feeling, being. From thinking, nobody has ever been able to reach being. Nobody can bypass feeling; feeling is the bridge. The first step is from thinking to feeling, and the second step is from feeling to being. And in two steps the whole journey is complete.

So remember, feeling will be tremendously beautiful, but don’t stop there. That is only a stopover. You can rest there a little bit, enjoy the world of the heart, but remember there is one step more.

Through contradictions I destroy your clinging to the mind and thinking. Through silence I destroy the world of your feeling. And when both these layers are gone, you are as existence wanted you to be, in your purity, in your individuality. You have come home.

So don’t be worried, the journey has begun. Don’t stop until you come back home, where there is no thinking, no feeling, but only a sense of existence. In that experience, I will be able to convey to you that which is unconveyable in any other way. Then I am not the master and you are not the disciple.

In the mind, I am the teacher, you are the student.

In feeling, I am the master, you are the disciple.

In being, I am not, you are not – existence is.


Excerpt from From Death to Deathlessness, Discourse #12

Copyright© OSHO International Foundation

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