This Light in Oneself – J. Krishnamurti Meditation Program

Inspired by the salons of the Enlightenment which were gatherings to discuss truth and life as they saw it.

In this module we will be present with the words and silence of those in whom the greatest transformation has taken place. Although you can find differences in expressions, it is remarkable how much you will find in common. Ultimately, they are all pointing to the same ground of Being and are speaking from the same silence.

Here you will find audio programs which are approximately 2 hours in length. They are divided into two parts so that you can take a short break in between if you wish. The first part is a listening meditation and the second is a satsang meditation. If you like you can begin the program with Amido giving the invocation.

The Listening Meditation is simply an invitation to remain here and now, to Be present, to be in silence. The power of listening is more when we can listen in presence without agreeing or disagreeing in a relaxed attentiveness, with attention without tension.

The Satsang Meditation is comprised of alternating periods of silence, music and sometimes spoken word. The satsangs begin with one bell and end three bells and is an opportunity to sink ever more deeply into stillness, into silence.

The satsangs give us an opportunity to explore witnessing. From this place of silence, with closed eyes, we watch, we witness whatever appears within our consciousness. It may be sensations in the body, it may be thoughts in the mind and it may be feelings in the heart, all or any of these are allowed to reveal themselves without us judging and without analyzing. Our job is to discover the witness.

Below you will find the links to the files. You can either play the files by left clicking on the link or download them by “right clicking” and choosing “save file as.” Also included below are links for reading. Enjoy!

Listening Meditation:

This Light in Oneself

Satsang Meditation:

This Light in Oneself – Satsang


This Light in Oneself