Program #19: The Ocean is Always Waiting

Osho Zen and the Mystery of No-Mind is one of seven modules in A Course in Witnessing. This module consists of 20 meditation programs. Each program has two parts, Listening Meditation (Osho discourse) and Satsang Meditation.

A Course in Witnessing is a collection of 144 Meditation Programs which are grouped into seven modules. The Osho discourses in the listening meditations in this module are from discourses in which Osho spoke on Zen in various discourse series in Pune, India from 1974 to 1989. Throughout all of these discourses is a common thread and that is Osho’s teaching of what he referred to as the very core of meditation, witnessing.

Osho spent his whole life working to awaken as many individuals as possible through the practice of meditation. In addition to teaching the 112 ancient meditation techniques of the Vigyan Bhairava Tantra, Osho also devised new “active” meditation techniques designed specifically to overcome the complexities and busyness of the modern mind. Osho, however, also says that the very core of meditation is witnessing.

“Real meditation is Zen, Vipassana. Real meditation is nothing but to sit silently, doing nothing. Just doing nothing, sitting silently, that is real meditation. There is no other technique, no technique at all in it. No mantra has to be repeated. No prayer has to be done, no God’s name to be pronounced.

You simply sit . . . but that is the hardest thing to do in the world. Looks so simple!

When I say again and again:

Sitting silently,
Doing nothing,
And the Spring comes
And the grass grows by itself…

You think it is very easy: ‘We can sit and the spring will come and the grass will grow by itself.’ This is the hardest and the most difficult and the most arduous thing in the world: to sit silently, doing nothing. And this is the greatest meditation. […]

Real meditation is not a technique. Real meditation is just relaxing, sitting silently, letting it happen, whatsoever it is. Allowing the whole anxiety to come up, to surface. And watching it, watching it. And doing nothing to change it. Witnessing it is real meditation.

In that witnessing your Buddhahood will become more and more powerful. Witnessing is the nourishment for your Buddhahood. And the more powerful your Buddhahood is, the less anxiety there is. The day your Buddhahood is complete, all anxiety is gone.”


From The Perfect Master, V.1, Discourse #8

The individual meditation programs are approximately 2 hours in length. They are divided into two parts so that you can take a short break in between if you wish. The first part is a listening meditation and the second is a satsang meditation. You can begin the program with Amido giving the invocation.

The Listening Meditation is simply an invitation to remain here and now, to Be present, to be in silence. And the way to enter this silence is through right listening, samyak shravan. Here is what Osho has said about samyak shravan.

The Satsang Meditation is comprised of alternating periods of silence, music and Osho’s spoken word. The satsangs begin with one bell and end with three bells and is an opportunity to sink ever more deeply into stillness, into silence.

The satsangs give us an opportunity to explore witnessing. From this place of silence, with closed eyes, we watch, we witness whatever appears within our consciousness. It may be sensations in the body, it may be thoughts in the mind, and it may be feelings in the heart, all or any of these are allowed to reveal themselves without us judging and without analyzing. Our job is to discover the witness.

Below you will find the links to the files. You can either play the files by left clicking on the link or download them by “right clicking” and choosing “save file as.” Also included below are links for reading. Enjoy!

The satsangs in programs #13-20 include Osho leading guided meditations into no-mind.

MP3 audio files of the complete discourses can be downloaded from or you can read the entire books online at the Osho Library.

Copyright© OSHO International Foundation

Program #19: The Ocean is Always Waiting

Listening Meditation:

The Ocean is Always Waiting (Zen Manifesto #7)

Satsang Meditation:

The Ocean is Always Waiting – Satsang


The Ocean is Always Waiting