I Bow Down to Myself – Osho

Amazing am I, I bow down to myself.
I have nothing at all, or I have all that can be encompassed
by speech or thought.

Janak is saying in one sense nothing is his because he is not. He no longer exists, how can ‘his’ exist? So in one sense nothing is his and in another sense everything is his. As ‘he’ no longer is, only existence remains in him; godliness remains, and everything belongs to it. This paradox has happened, where it seems nothing is his and everything is his.

Amazing am I, I bow down to myself.
I have nothing at all, or I have all that can be encompassed
by speech or thought.

The day you become an observer is the day you become Buddha, Ashtavakra, Krishna…that day you become all. When you become an observer you become the center of the universe. You disappear from this side; you are fulfilled from that side. You lose this small ‘I’, this small droplet – and gain the infinite ocean.

These sutras are the sutras for worshipping your own being. These sutras are saying that you yourself are the devotee, you yourself are the divine. These sutras say you are the one worthy of adoration and you are the adorer. These sutras are saying that both are present inside you: allow them to meet! These sutras are saying something very unique: bend down to your own feet, lose yourself within yourself, drown inside yourself! Your devotee and your God are inside you. Let the union happen there, let the fusion happen.

The revolution will happen when inside you your devotee and your godliness meet and become one. Neither God nor devotee will remain. Something will remain – without form, without attributes, beyond limit, beyond death, beyond time, beyond space. Duality will disappear, nonduality will remain.

The first glimpses of these nondual moments are what we call meditation. When these nondual moments start becoming stable it is what we call ‘samadhi with seed’. And when this nondual moment becomes permanent, becomes so stable there is no way it can be dismissed – this is what we call ‘seedless samadhi, with no-mind’.

This can happen in two ways – either just by awareness, as it happened to Janak, merely through understanding…. But great intelligence is needed, sharp intelligence is needed, great intensity is needed – a very sharp-edged awareness is needed within you. It can happen immediately! If you find this happening, good. If you find that it is not happening, then don’t sit repeating these sutras. It will not happen from repeating them. These sutras are such that if it happens while listening to them, then it happens; if while listening you miss, then even if you repeat them a million times it won’t happen, because it does not happen through repetition. The sharpness of your brain does not come through repetition; through repetition its edge is lost.

One way is it if it happens when you hear these sutras. If it happens it happens, you cannot do anything. If it doesn’t happen, then slowly, slowly you will have to start with meditation, from meditation to samadhi with mind, from samadhi with mind to samadhi with no-mind – you will have to make the journey. If the leap happens, then good; if not you will have to go down the steps.


Excerpt from Enlightenment: The Only Revolution, Discourse #9

Copyright© OSHO International Foundation

You can read the entire book online at the Osho Library.

Many of Osho’s books are available in the U.S. online from Amazon.com and Viha Osho Book Distributors. In India they are available from Amazon.in and Oshoworld.com.

3 thoughts on “I Bow Down to Myself – Osho”

    1. Can’t believe myself, writing this with total awareness, sensing the fear, observing it all, i feel like it has happened to me, I’m in a choiceless state where i can identify every thought my mind creates, I don’t know what will happen tomorrow when i wake up, but I’m pretty sure, that I can’t ever be troubled by thought.

  1. the most enlightened of masters to have been on this planet,yet mankind did the great old trick of killing him like the others in the past.his consciousnesss lives on.

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